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Farewell & Dining outside in NYC

Ever since we adopted Coco my husband has been very sick for over a month.  After my husband’s numerous visits to the emergency doctor appointments and after much thought, we decided that it would be best if my parents take care of Coco for the time being until my husband gets better.  It made me so very sad but on the bright side my parents live half an hour away and Coco will be much happier as someone will always be home to love him 🙂  I really hope my husband is NOT allergic to coco!

Before Coco took his long journey to my parents home, we decided to go on our mini family dinner with coco to Cibo e Vino.  I’ve always passed by this restaurant and wanted to check it out AND I love their outdoor eating area where people are free to bring their pets! 🙂  The food here was good but I LOVED the atmosphere.


I already miss my little guy =(

and a cute picture of my husband and coco.  Doesn’t he look like a king marching in his own chariot?  lol


and last but not least, flying coco!



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