As many of you know, I love Korea. I love the food, culture, people, and I even like shopping in Korea (which I blogged about it here). Today I’d like to share some of my favorite places and photos from Seoul, Korea 🙂
{an Octagon restaurant 한식당 in Seoul}
{by the Blue House 청와대 which is the Korean version of the White House}
{with Brown Eyed Soul and 박보영 backstage after a concert}
{Brutus, best western food I had in Korea 🙂 My friend Kyu is the owner and he is just an amazing person}
{with my friends from EXPO}
{at a Cat Cafe. How cool is this?}
{high-end Korean food with my friends from Columbia}
{awesome and random bathroom at the Top Cloud Bar}
{and there’s so many cute Cafe’s}